Thursday, June 19, 2008

Jury duty is officially over

My two-week jury duty is officially over (hence my latest nickname, "second-weeker") and I'm ecstatic to be returning to my mundane (but legal) existence. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed fulfilling my civic duty while it lasted but I also love not having to drive downtown at 8:00am, find a parking space, walk over to the courthouse, and plunk myself down in a chair in the jury pool room for the day. I got my shot at a trial in Week One and I'm all the better for the experience. I just hope I never find myself on either end of the law any time soon...I know too much now.


The Monroes said...

Just keep your nose clean and all will be good :)

Becky J said...

"I swear," no more speeding, no more running yellow lights, no more little white lies, no more downloading songs I didn't pay for...!

The Monroes said...

"Someone" is watching you now... let the paranoia don't want the fate of your life in someone else's hands do you?

Becky J said...

It is a little big-brotherish, huh? I'll just make sure I have an air-tight alibi :-)

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