Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sky Lights

When our cat, Ed, slinks under the bed we know we're in for a storm. Sure enough, 10 minutes later the wind started blowing and the rain came down so hard we could hardly see out our windows. And, just as quickly as the storm came upon us, it was headed east towards Clintonville.

Out of the corner of my eye and through the patio doors, I spied these beautiful lights in the sky and realized it was a really large rainbow, too big, in fact, to capture in its entirety. Below are a few shots that I've "enhanced" with some of my favorite Photoshop filters. The colors have not been tampered with, just some fun effects applied to each image.


The Monroes said...

Wow, I love 2&4 you should frame them! Beautiful.

Becky J said...

I could play in Photoshop all day!

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