Monday, May 19, 2008

After all my previous fuss...

about which Mother Nature was going to show up for Pics in the Park Day, I was pleasantly surprised to wake up early Saturday morning and see the sun out - I owe a big debt of gratitude to the Old Girl for giving us a break from the spring showers.

Below are a couple sneak peeks for the two families who made it out with me to Inniswood Metro Gardens on a beautiful morning. And, I was even more surprised when the same mallard duck (or a good buddy of his) who was there a few weeks ago was in the exact same spot on a rock near the waterfall pond. I'm going to have start paying him to be in all my pond shots.

A big shout out to my clients because, although it was a really pretty day, it was really cold and really windy - a big round of applause for everyone!


The Monroes said...

That Mallard duck owns that place, I am convinced. Great pictures. I am glad the weather cooperated for you!

Becky J said...

What a "quack up!" Yes, I hope we're that lucky this coming Sunday with Lindsay's family.

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