My new year celebration was more like a well-worn excuse to be a couch potato, armed with DVD's and a bowl of Orville Redenbacher's Movie Theater Butter popcorn. But stay up 'til midnight? Ha! I love to sleep way more than I like to be on the road with other inebriated revelers. In fact, as soon as the last kernel of corn was chugged, my thoughts turned towards the next 12 months and I began to feel eternally hopeful to "get it right" this time around. Usually by oh, mid-May, I figure out old habits are too hard to break and the circle repeats itself. The circle of life...
No, I'm not going to start singing the song from The Lion King but I am going to start working on making 2009 a year to remember instead of a year to forget.
PS The image above is by my father, Jim Byers, who, before his death in 2001, loved to "draw" on the computer...kind of explains the whole DNA thing.